Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The @IndustriousPimp InterTweet

This InterTweet occured on the 21st July 2013. Link to his craft http://t.co/8Ck6XqPyz9
InterTweet : How do you define your sound? #INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : That's a tough one. I guess it's a blend of east coast and southern hip-hop. I listen to everything and I think it shows.#INTWT
InterTweet : What is your opinion on the industry these days? #INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : I think the industry is changing but I consider change to be an essential part of life so I welcome it. No real complaints here.#INTWT
InterTweet : Was the song i miss you written for a girl you knew once? (A fan asked this question) #INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Yes it's a very personal song. Its about my high school sweetheart. Everything in that song is true. We hang out every few weeks #INTWT
InterTweet : Where did you grow up?
@IndustriousPimp : I never know how to answer that. I've lived all over the place but spent the better part of my childhood in Baltimore (14 years). #INTWT
InterTweet : On Which platform would you really like to perform your songs? (Which place, that is) #INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Wherever there is a market for them. #INTWT
InterTweet : What kind of video would you shoot for 'i miss you'? (If you can disclose that info) #INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Still brainstorming and prob gonna hire a model. It's definitely going to be Black & White though. #INTWT
InterTweet : As a rapper, did you ever take part in any rap competition in the past? #INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Nah but I have won several poetry contests. Poetry is want initially attracted me to music. I've wrote poetry all my life.#INTWT
InterTweet : What was the best advice you got and from who?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : My stepfather told me "The answer is always no if you never ask." I've applied that to dreams. They don't come true if never try.#INTWT
InterTweet : Which song that you have created is your personal best?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : "I Miss You" is probably my favorite released song. After that Alors On Danse, Worst Day Ever, & my Finance Freestyle on YouTube.#INTWT
InterTweet : What are your plans for the future in your music career?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : I'm just playing things by ear. I'm too stubborn to give this up. Worst case scenario I save up for radio play and start a label.#INTWT
InterTweet : Where is the best place you have ever performed?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : The Lyric in Baltimore #INTWT
InterTweet : Do you get nervous when you get on stage? If yes, how do you get over it?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Yea but its a great rush. After 2 shots everything is all good #INTWT
InterTweet : If you could go open up for any artist on tour right now, who will it be?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : if I had my way I'd open up for BIG KRIT.#INTWT
InterTweet : What type of movies do you enjoy watching? (Fan questions)#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : I'm a dork. I really love watching political dramas and documentaries.#INTWT
InterTweet : What is your favorite thing to INGEST? (Food lol)#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Macaroni & Cheese. All of my gf's have one thing in common- they have their own recipes. It's by far the quickest way to my heart #INTWT
InterTweet : Would you say as an artist you are easy to work with and are you a perfectionist to the core? #INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : LOL I'm a perfectionist with writing. I've got future projects with everybody I've worked with so I think that speaks for itself. #INTWT
InterTweet : At what age did you start writing poems?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : 10 or 11 I think. I know I won a contest and was published in a book of poems by 5th graders way back in the day.#INTWT
InterTweet : Do you write your lyrics or type them?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Both. Both have pros & cons. The problem with typing is the delete button. The problem with writing is I go through a lot paper.  Not to mention I sometimes don't recognize my scribbles. #INTWT
InterTweet : Do you have tatoos or piercings?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : No tattoos but Ive got them planned. My mom convinced me to pierce my ears in high school. I dont wear them but the hole is there #INTWT
InterTweet : What is your favorite sport and athlete?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Ray Lewis!#INTWT
InterTweet : Why did you choose the name Industrious Pimp? (Fan Question)#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : It was nickname give to me years ago. Kind of an inside joke between me and my friends. Ever since then it kind of stuck #INTWT
InterTweet : What advice would you give a newbie in both recording and stage performance?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : dream big and swing for the fences.#INTWT
InterTweet : Any last tweet before the end of this InterTweet?#INTWT
@IndustriousPimp : Tell them I said go for it and fuck what people think.#INTWT

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