Sunday, July 14, 2013

Radicl Le Kid's "A Kid I Used To Know" BeatTape InterTweet

This InterTweet Occured on the 11th July 2013. Link to Radicl Le Kid's Soundcloud

InterTweets : So do u have a date for the release of the tape yet?
@kayzsh4ow : Sometime in September. I can't tell exactly when yet
InterTweets :  What gave u the inspiration to make a complete BeatTape and why after so many years you decided to do it now?
@kayzsh4ow :  I just felt like the time was right. All these years I've basically been working on my growth, finding that right space. I finally found my space and I think I'm finally ready to show the world what I've REALLY been working on
InterTweets : Which programs do u like using the most when making a beat?
@kayzsh4ow : Propellerhead Record
InterTweets : How much time does it take you for a beat completely mixed and mastered?
@kayzsh4ow : It depends on the beat and how many tracks there are. But on average about 3 hours and I usually come back to work on it
InterTweets : So whats the name of the mixtape and the number of tracks on the tape?(if information can be disclosed that is)
@kayzsh4ow : "A Kid I Used To Know" and it should have about 7 tracks. I might change the number eventually though
InterTweets : Is there a beat since you've started creating them that you particularly like above the others? If yes what is its name?
@kayzsh4ow : There are 2 that I really like, The RadicL Ones and Toxic
InterTweets : The radicl some people are really wondering wat dat means care to explain a lil bit what it is actually?
@kayzsh4ow : Radical or Rad, is used to describe something super cool. I really got the Idea from Finn in adventure time: "This is radical!"
InterTweets : Do u usually get inspired easily or u need to get in a special type of zone for your creation process?
@kayzsh4ow : I get inspired by songs, usually the words in the songs or the timber of the voice of the singer, or a particular synth or drums
InterTweets : What type of music do you personally really appreciate?(Ssked by a new become fan of your pantheon for Shamir btw)
@kayzsh4ow : I love listening to electronic and Electronica, alternative rock and of course Hiphop
InterTweets : How old were you when you started creating beats?
@kayzsh4ow : I was about 16
InterTweets : Who are your role models in the Beat Making Industry?
@kayzsh4ow : I wont call them role models. but some people that inspire me hudson mohawke, lunice and a few others
InterTweets : Do u have some work of yours on the internet? If yes please kindly give your fans the link to it
@kayzsh4ow : I will start posting new music by next week. I will keep you guys posted
InterTweets : Thank you @kayzsh4ow for this super interesting intertweet follow him to know about his new posts starting from next week 

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