Sunday, July 21, 2013

InterTweet With @Yom_writer_poet

This InterTweet Occured on the 14th July 2013
InterTweet :  Hello!! We shall start with : When did you start putting rhymes together? At what age that is?
@Yom_writer_poet :  as far back as I can remember it was more of rap. The first significant one was making a rap of track titles on an ABBA gold CD
InterTweet : So what made you switch to poem writing?
@Yom_writer_poet :  I never really switched, kept doing both but I was more drawn to poetry because it afforded me more freedom to express myself. Simplicity writing in plain language poetry shouldn't be only for those who love it, anyone should be able to read and relate
InterTweet : What does “being creative” mean to you?
@Yom_writer_poet :  staying a child, fusing the things you learn as you grow with the imagination you had that our society will try to suppress.
InterTweet : Do you sit and think through every word of every stanza or do you just write freely and allowing the words to flow?
@Yom_writer_poet : I normally write freely. After which I review my work, simplify a Few phrases and inject a little humor when necessary
InterTweet : What’s your favourite thing you’ve ever created?
@Yom_writer_poet : perfomed my poem falling at the challenge Ghana final where the cameras caught a lady in tears, can I say I created tears?
InterTweet : What are you trying to communicate with your art?
@Yom_writer_poet : the ability to eschew quality regardless of your field of choice. The heights to which resilient passion  Can take you.
InterTweet : Which creative medium would you love to pursue but haven’t yet?
@Yom_writer_poet :  porn lol jk, I love Rap and eventually ill drop a few tracks, play writing as well as song writing are also high on my mind.
InterTweet : What’s the best advice you ever had about how to be more creative?
@Yom_writer_poet : be Yourself.
InterTweet :  Did you ever think about publishing a book for your poems?
@Yom_writer_poet : actually I have, I want to reach 200 highly engaging poems and release them in a two part book.
InterTweet : What is your usual theme for the poems you write?
@Yom_writer_poet : I'm versatile, I cover any topic from an ignorant perspective that way I don't seem like I'm imposing my mind on the people
InterTweet : Can you remember the first thing you ever wrote?
@Yom_writer_poet :  not really, but im pretty sure it was for a girl
InterTweet : What is your definition of poetry?
@Yom_writer_poet :  beauty.
InterTweet : Dead or alive, who do you think of as your major influences in the world of poetry? How did you come to know them ?
@Yom_writer_poet :  funny, I never enjoyed outright poets, people like nas, obrafuor, and PAC who we can consider as a poet were my influences.
InterTweet : How much time does it take for you to complete a piece?
@Yom_writer_poet : the truth is sometimes it takes 30 minutes other times months depending on how inspired I am.
InterTweet :  Do you have an "audience" who gets to read or hear your poems before your fans get it?
@Yom_writer_poet : no, better. Editors are everyday people whom my Work  Is aimed towards.
InterTweet : do you have work on the net your fans can access?
@Yom_writer_poet : I do but a vast majority of it is limited to facebook my work is for now concentrated on live performances.
InterTweet : Any last tweets?
@Yom_writer_poet : People will Say What they want, but if you can be comfortable with yourself and mean It. All your 'demons' will be vaporized.
InterTweet : Thanks to @yom_writer_poet for this wonderful InterTweet follow him for updates on his work

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