Friday, December 20, 2013

InterTweet with the Bead Making Company @TwistBeads

This InterTweet Occurred on the 18th of December 2013 and was conducted by @forghlive Website : Twitter Handle :

-What's the motive behind @TwistBeads and of all businesses why choose beads?? #INTWT
ANS: @forghLIVE the motive is to promote African fashion style,we choose beads Cos they easily identified #INTWT

- @TwistBeads for anything that needs promotion then its usually not patronised enough,would you say same for our african fashion?
ANS: @forghLIVE I won't say that at this current moment where African fashion is on top.

-@TwistBeads so even with the many bead making brands sprouting up, what does Twist Bead seeks to do differently we haven't already seen?
ANS @forghLIVE Customized name tags on the bracelets made from wood, and the combination of all the colourful other African hand made beads#INTWT

-@TwistBeads all of that for how much?
ANS @forghLIVE a cool 30 Ghana cedis with door to door Deliver

-@TwistBeads across the country or in Accra only?
ANS @forghLIVE across the universe

-@TwistBeads and how is bead making in Ghana like?
ANS @forghLIVE its just like any other bead all over the world but in Ghana we use our historical symbols like the adinkra and gye nyame amelet

-Looking into the future,where do u think the most significant growth will occur and where do see urself in the nxt 5yrs @TwistBeads
ANS @forghLIVE in the next 5yrs I want to see myself settled with a huge brand and outlet

-@TwistBeads and how do you plan to manage that from now till the next 5 yrs?
ANS @forghLIVE increase production to meet demands which will go a long way in contributing to the development of the country. @forghLIVE and keeping its identity intact since beads have a cultural connection to our heritage. @forghLIVE with dedicated team and to ensure we meet our demands so we could be one of the major brands in Ghana.@forghLIVE and of Cos with God all things are possible and we nothing without him

-@TwistBeads How will you handle the situations where you have to make decisions against business ethics that may grow ur business??
ANS @forghLIVE I will handel it in the interest of the business and in a way that will not be negative to others. @forghLIVE there's are business ethics and there's compromise , once in a while compromise are made and must fall in line with business law. @forghLIVE we want a better Ghana and Africa

-@TwistBeads What makes a good bead?
ANS @forghLIVE the quality of the beads, arrangements and satisfaction it gives to the customer

-@TwistBeads beyond customer satisfaction what other thing do you want a customer to take away by purchasing ur bead?
ANS @forghLIVE the customer would enjoy a good business relationship with the twistbeads family #TBF

-Who is your biggest competition in Ghana and how is the bead market in Ghana like?
Twist beads twts
ANS @forghLIVE #HTW thats our biggest competitor. The market is fair Cos every individual loves choice. The market is really good #INTWT

-thanks for the time any last words?
ANS @forghLIVE Thanks for the intwt really appreciate, we want to Wish our customers merry Christmas.#TBF

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