Thursday, September 5, 2013

The @lbgvng InterTweet

This InterTweet occured on the 31st August 2013
InterTweet : What made you start music?#INTWT
@lbgvng :  i had an interest is learning instruments which led me into it.. "
InterTweet :  Did you have people telling you to not pursue your dream? If yes, how did you respond to them?
@lbgvng : Nobody can stop me from doing what i wanna do "
InterTweet : Where and when do you feel the best at ease to practice your ART that is what inspires you?
@lbgvng : When im all alone, i like a serene environment with kush...hahahaha
InterTweet : How would you describe your style of music?#INTWT
@lbgvng :  basically Hip hop and a lil bit of afro pop..
InterTweet : Who are your role model in the music industry?
@lbgvng :  , and COLE "
InterTweet : Do you have any projects you plan to release anytime soon?
@lbgvng :  now working hard Trying to put together a mixtape... Soon
InterTweet : Do you have any projects you plan to release anytime soon?
@lbgvng :  not yet decided
InterTweet : How do you feel about the industry nowadays?
@lbgvng : no chance for upcoming artiste...greedy self centered niccas...but its improving quite well "
InterTweet :  How do you handle between the studies and the studio sessions?
@lbgvng :  it does bother me all the time buh i always try to find my way thru..."
InterTweet :  Do you have a last word for people that want to become musicians?
@lbgvng : Be Original, Be creative, never give up, be humble and patient. Shit dont come easy